Treatments and Costs
We offer a comprehensive range of treatments based on the principle of minimally invasive dentistry.
Restorative Treatment
- Tooth coloured fillings
- Crowns
- Bridges
- Veneers
- Dentures
- Root canal treatment
- Extractions
Costmetic Treatments
- Tooth whitening
- Zoom whitening
- Facial Aesthetics
- Dermal fillers
- Lip enhancement
Hygiene Treatment
Guided biofilm therapy (offered under direct access which means you can be seen by the hygienist straight away without having to see a dentist first)
Adults: £70
Children (under 18 years old): £55
Preventive Treatment
- Fluoride varnish
- Fissure sealant
Book An Appointment
Call: 01295 272030
Broadsmiles Dental Clinic
5/6 First Floor,
Broad Street,
OX16 5BN
5/6 First Floor,
Broad Street,
OX16 5BN
Working Hours
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.
Saturday & Late evening - By appointment only